Juno Specialists are passionate about providing comprehensive care and management of women’s health conditions and experiences.

We take the time to listen. We believe you when you tell us your experience. We seek to understand your goals for your health. We facilitate space for education and offer treatments that allow passage towards a richer experience of health.

Juno Specialists are confident to assist you with:

Menstrual irregularities, heavy or painful periods


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Contraception including IUD insertion

Hormonal disorders including PMDD

Cervical screening and abnormalities

Family planning and reproductive medicine including termination (not IVF)

Fatigue and depletion

Continence issues, uterine, vaginal and bladder prolapse

Sexual health

Breast health

Tailored support to those identifying as non-binary or transgender

Peri-menopause, menopause and postmenopause concerns

We have a range of modalities available. It’s important that you feel a sense of autonomy and choice in managing your health concerns. You may choose one modality, or combine the skills and tools of multiple Juno Specialists side-by-side. In those cases we will always be working collaboratively with your best health outcomes in mind.

You might like to start with:



Chinese Medicine / Acupuncture


Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Mental Health Professional

If you’re not sure which modality to start with, contact Juno Specialists and we can guide you through your options.