At Juno Specialists we offer evidence-based, compassionate support for your baby. We are aware of and respect the inherent capabilities of infants - their participation and responses.

We recognise the importance of the parent-baby relationship. We consider what is happening uniquely for baby. We also consider infant wellbeing through the context of your parental experience and wellbeing.

Juno Specialists can support you with:

General infant health concerns and healthcare

Weight, growth or developmental concerns

Infant feeding including formula feeding, transition to solids

Six week checks

Unsettled babies

Allergy and intolerance issues (including dairy)

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux (GORD)

Infant sleep and settling support

Attachment and bonding for parents and siblings

You might like to start with:



Speech Pathologist (Feeding and Swallowing)

Paediatric Dietitican

If you’re not sure which modality to start with, contact Juno Specialists and we can guide you through your options.